If you had an employee who got injured while on the job, depending on their injury do you think you would know whether they would need an emergency room or U.S. HealthWorks urgent care clinic? It is crucial that you know the difference otherwise you could be paying a silly amount of money for a Band-Aid. If you want to avoid paying a lot of money for an unnecessary visit to the emergency room, here are some examples that call for an urgent care clinic:
• Sprains and strains
• Cuts and lacerations
• Minor broken bones
• Fever
• Light burns
• Minor eye injuries
• Profuse bleeding
• Seasonal allergies
• Moderate back problems
• Flu and cold
• Minor accidents and falls
All these situations above seem like they may be an emergency, but are actually better handled amongst urgent care professionals. U.S. HealthWorks for employers wants to make sure that employees are getting taken care of properly but also at a cost that makes sense.
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