Friday, September 30, 2016

Five Ways Employers Can Combat Cheating in Pre-employment Drug Testing

Drug abuse is prevalent not only in society but also in the workplace. According to a study, more than 68 percent of drug users are employed, and a third of that number is aware of the illegal sale of drugs at work. Because of this, both the employee and the employer are negatively affected due to poor job performance, productivity issues, and conflict among colleagues.

As such, more companies are conducting regular drug tests and pre-employment drug testing to ensure the wellness of their people. Unfortunately, substance users still find a way to cheat on drug exams by diluting urine samples or substituting collected urine.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

How can Pre-Employment Physicals Benefit Both Employers and Workers?

For companies with vacancies on labor-intensive jobs, finding an ideal employee that can keep up with the expected demands for the job can be a difficult task. After all, in addition to qualifications and experience, it’s important that a candidate is physically ready to perform the necessary responsibilities. This is why conducting a pre-employment physical is imperative to assure employers that they are getting the ideal candidates.

The Prevalence of Workplace Injuries

An increasing number of employees are now suffering from musculoskeletal disorders. These conditions often cause absenteeism among employees and, consequently, the loss of billions of dollars in direct and indirect costs for employers. In worst-case scenarios, employees may even hold their employer liable for injuries sustained at work.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Treat a Work-Related Broken Wrist with Occupational Health Specialists

As the numbers suggest, one in every 10 broken bones experienced by Americans is a broken wrist. Also known as a Colles’ fracture or a distal radius fracture, this occurs when the bone on the lower end of your forearm, close to the bones of the hand, breaks. People suffer from this injury due to several reasons, including sports injuries, falls, and accidents at home.

The workplace is another place where a person can suffer from a broken wrist. While a work-related broken wrist has the same symptoms as any other broken bone, treatment options often vary. That’s why it’s important to work with occupational health specialists to find an option that is best for your employee.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

With Occupational Medicine, Employers can Have Productive Employees

From Monday to Friday, an average working American spends half of his waking hours at the office. For over eight hours, they sit at their desks or conducting repetitive activities, depending on their job responsibilities. Despite these lengthy hours, a surprisingly small amount of consideration is given to the impact of the workplace on an employee’s health and wellbeing.

This is why, as an employer, you must consider working with an occupational medicine provider in order to encourage a healthier workplace. In fact, by investing in a healthier workplace, you’re also investing in healthier and more productive employees.

The Benefits for Employees

According to a 2008 study conducted by researchers from the Orebro University and the KTH School of Architecture and Built Environment, workplace design and office environment actually have a huge influence on an employee’s health, well-being, and productivity.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Take Care of a Distressed Worker, Says an Occupational Health Company

Life often takes unexpected turns for the worse. When unplanned events like disasters or financial setbacks take place, individuals tend to increase their consumption of alcohol, prescription medications, or even illegal drugs. This poses a risk to business owners if one of their employees undergoes such challenges.

Drug usage after a traumatic incident can be a serious problem, especially if an individual has had a past or current substance abuse issues. These individuals often pose a risk to the workplace, thus a random drug test program, made possible through an occupational health company, should be established.

A Recognized Link

A number of studies have confirmed the link between substance abuse and emotional distress caused by traumatic events. One particular study, published in 2002, found that smoking, alcohol consumption, and marijuana use increased among the residents of Manhattan, New York just a few months after the 9/11 attacks.