Friday, January 6, 2017

Occupational Health Company: 4 Workplace Exercises for Your Employees

Over time, advancements in industry and technology have significantly affected the way people spend their waking hours. Whether for good or bad remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure — while it was common for people in the past to spend virtually the entire day on their feet, the norm today is to spend that same amount of time sitting.

Modern day conveniences allow people to do much work without leaving their chair, from making phone calls, to writing emails and even participating in meetings via teleconferencing. Unfortunately, such a laidback lifestyle comes with a lot of inherent problems, with some having the potential to affect health. Since the body is designed for near perpetual movement, office workers need to get out of their chair from time to time and get moving. Your occupational health company highly recommends these five exercises that you and your employees can incorporate into the workday. Read more from this blog:

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